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Seaworks is a leading marine civil engineering firm and renowned foreshore specialist in Kuwait and Qatar. Our services range from revetment, seawall, breakwater, rock  bund  construction  and  maintenance  to  reclamation,  dredging  and diving services. We are well-known in the industry for delivering high standards of quality and timely delivery for all our projects.

  1. Hydrographic survey, soil investigation and pile testing

  2. Design of facilities and associated infrastructure

  3. Dredging and land reclamation

  4. Construction of brake waters, groins and wave breakers

  5. Installation of pre-cast walls, quay walls and deck slabs

  6. Fabrication and erection of jetties and pile driving

  7. Installation of marinas, timber decking, fenders and pier furniture

  8. Underwater inspection, repair, construction support services and salvaging

  9. Charter of tugs, barges, floating cranes and offshore support vessels

  10. Provision of divers and equipment

  11. Fabrication and erection of static & rotating process equipment

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